Adolescence Counselling

Adolescent counselling provides support for young individuals navigating the complexities of emotions, behaviors, and thoughts during their transition from childhood to adulthood, typically occurring between ages 10 to 19. This period is marked by significant mental and physical changes, often leading to heightened sensitivity, mood swings, and fluctuations in confidence levels. Without proper guidance or counseling, adolescents may rely on their judgment, which can be clouded and lead them astray, potentially resulting in issues like drug addiction and peer pressure. Therefore, seeking counseling to address these feelings and thoughts is crucial for adolescents. Akanksha Centre has successfully assisted numerous young individuals in navigating these challenges and avoiding detrimental paths.

Sexual Education

Initially, a warm and trusting relationship is established with the children, during which their values are explored. Subsequently, information about sex is conveyed to them in a manner that is tailored to their understanding, often with the assistance of medical professionals.

1) What is sexuality

2)   How to accept sexual feelings of their own?

3)   What is physical attraction?

4)   What is masturbation? How is it done in men and women? Why is it done?

5)   Introduction to the male-female reproductive system and genital organs.

6)   Detailed information about the menstrual cycle.

7)   The types of sexual intercourse.

8)   Pregnancy and delivery.

Equipped with a skilled professional team, we stand ready to address your requirements